Wednesday 13 April 2011

Twice this week

The school phoned today again. There had been an incident again.

The children had been playing football and everything was going well until one of the boys kicked the ball and it hit Contrarian in the stomach. Of course, it had not been intentional but contrarian thought it was.

Contrarian had burst out crying holding his stomach then run up to the other boy and grabbed him by the hair. Both boys were in tears.

The school inspector had spoken to Contrarian and he had apologized - realizing that it had not been an intentional move on the other boy's side.

The inspector decided to keep Contrarian in her office with her (where he has his own little corner to play with lego and read books). He wanted to catch the bus home with the other children but also wanted some alone time after the incident.

I sense we are in another one of those phases. It's like a tsunami wave - a giant force that wipes us clean and then leaves us to pick up the pieces and start building from scratch again.

There's nothing we can do - just wait for it to disappear.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Incident in the classroom

We had an incident at school yesterday.

Contrarian pissed off one of the girls by throwing her books around. She smacked him on the knee. Contrarian pushed her and ended up scratching her in the face.

It's difficult finding out the finer details of the matter but I am deeply unhappy that he scratched her in the face. It tells me that there was a 'violent' altercation.

There were no adults in the classroom when it happened. The assistant was off sick and the regular teacher was replaced with a temp.

I'm considering asking the school to let me know when there are temps so that I can keep contrarian at home on those days.

These kind of incidents just put us so far behind again. It's the first one in a very long time but it really doesn't help his situation with the girls in the class.

I still haven't decided on how to deal with this but I'll start with no TV for a couple of days. It will give us time to talk about anger management and solutions.

We had a meeting with the teacher last week. She felt that things are going much better.

I noticed the following:

Contrarian looks her in the eyes when she is talking to him.

He pays attention to what she has to say and he doesn't get off his chair and walk away the way he used to.

She is much more confident in dealing with him and firmer - which is a good thing!

Everything else is going well at the moment.