Contrarian's teacher phoned today. She phoned to tell me 2 things:
1. Contrarian got a ball in his face again - playing football. Instead of bopping anybody (like he usually does) he ran inside and found a chair to sit in while he cried. The teacher said it really must have hurt because his face was very red where the ball had hit him.
2. Yesterday - two other children were getting into an argument in the classroom. The teacher was keeping an eye on the situation because she could see it was escalating. One of the kids was Contrarian's best friend.
Suddenly Contrarian walked in between the two and gently pushed them away from oneanother. He said something to the two boys and shook his head. The kids then all walked away and sat down in their seats.
She feels that our little talk about self control and taking 'time out' to think before reacting has worked.
I feel this is worthy of a celebration! Yay Contrarian!
Sounds like two MAJOR reasons to celebrate....each of these little victories are so awesome to have, your boy is lucky to have the mama he does :0)