Monday, 30 May 2011

Visiting the dentist

Life is so good at the moment - it couldn't possibly be better!

Contrarian had a dentist appointment today. Dentist appointments have always been cause of distress in the past.

My boy just behaved 'normal' - like he does at home. He calmly sat down for x-rays. Did exactly what he was told and didn't push any buttons or grab the remote control for the chair. No playing with the dentist equipment or spraying water all over.

He just sat down and opened his mouth.

I didn't prep him - I didn't bribe him - nothing.

It was such a wonderful feeling walking out of the dentist office that I cried. Just couldn't help myself.

Tomorrow we have appointment with neurologist and the next day the psychiatrist.

We are just on such a wonderful 'up' ride at the moment!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Good going

Contrarian's teacher phoned today. She phoned to tell me 2 things:

1. Contrarian got a ball in his face again - playing football. Instead of bopping anybody (like he usually does) he ran inside and found a chair to sit in while he cried. The teacher said it really must have hurt because his face was very red where the ball had hit him.

2. Yesterday - two other children were getting into an argument in the classroom. The teacher was keeping an eye on the situation because she could see it was escalating. One of the kids was Contrarian's best friend.

Suddenly Contrarian walked in between the two and gently pushed them away from oneanother. He said something to the two boys and shook his head. The kids then all walked away and sat down in their seats.

She feels that our little talk about self control and taking 'time out' to think before reacting has worked.

I feel this is worthy of a celebration! Yay Contrarian!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Rough start to the weekend

Contrarian received a birthday invitation from two girl's in class (joint birthday). I thought about it for a week and decided that we were going to skip this one.

Birthday parties are generally disastrous - even if it's a party with just the boys in class. A birthday party with 9 boys and 20 girls - well, I don't even want to go there - literally!

Unfortunately I chose the wrong time to tell Contrarian this. Ten minutes before he walked out the door to go to school on Friday morning. How stupid of me!!

Contrarian was deeply unhappy and felt I was very unjustified by not letting him go. This he loudly demonstrated by banging the front door as he left.

I had just finished my morning walk when the phone rang. Of course it was the school.

The teacher wanted me at the school a.s.a.p to demonstrate her seriousness to the boy. I obliged her by arriving at the school 13 minutes after her phone call. I have no doubt that her liking me has much to do with my instant response to any request that she might make.

To tell the truth - I am so grateful to finally have a teacher who shows an understanding for my child's oddities - that I would walk on burning coal if she had to ask.

The new 'special' teacher had her first day and the kids had been asked to stand in a line before they walked into the class room so that they could great her.

Contrarian had been fooling around with the class room keys and would just not listen. He was asked not to enter the classroom but stand in a line with all the other children. In pure defiance he walked into the classroom.

The new teacher took him by the arm to lead him back to the line. Contrarian went ballistic.

He started pulling away and hitting. Then his own teacher came and tried to restrain him because he was hitting the other teacher and he ended up scratching her too.

Then his assistant came and only then did he calm down.

The teacher, assistant and I spent an hour with him talking about unacceptable behaviour and self control, cause and effect etc.

I explained to him that this was why I wouldn't let him go to the birthday party. Because I was worried that if there was a disagreement of sorts - he would hit and scratch somebody.

He seemed to accept and understand what we said and he apologized for lashing out at his teacher.

I am so grateful that the school staff are as understanding and supportive as they are!

The teacher told me to leave it at that and not take any further action so we have put it behind us.

Saturday I told Contrarian that he would have to walk with me to town center if he wanted his Saturday sweets. He didn't complain once (usually he hates walking). We ended up having a lovely weekend. A nice recovery from a shaky start to the weekend.