I have a meeting today at the school with some parents who feel that my son should not be in a normal school.
Our boy had no memory or understanding of what he had done wrong. I felt forced to take some diciplinary measures such as not allowing him to go to a birthday party, no TV for a week and an hour earlier to bed every night for the week.
We have since been informed that there was an assistant teacher standing at the 'crime scene' at the time the event took place. It turns out that the situation has been quite exaggerated and the assistant teacher feels that nobody was scared of anybody during the play.
I'm not sure how to deal with these parents. The school psychologist felt that I should not 'punish' the boy as there is a big question as to if he actually did behave unacceptably. The psychologist is now concerned that the girls in the class are 'creating' a play where they can be the star of the drama.
Now that I know my child is gifted (and emotionally immature) I find myself wondering if he is in the right environment. There aren't many options for gifted children in Norway. Maybe I should consider a Montessori school.
I don't know - I feel a little lost. Happy to finally know why my son misbehaves in the classroom but lost none the less.
The walk around Semsvannet this morning was wonderful. It snowed last night but the sun was shining this morning.
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