Thursday, 7 June 2012

Starting Elexoma treatment

School started again yesterday. Contrarian seems fine. He is waken up without trouble and eating breakfast again.

I tried the Elexoma medic last night. He was interested but very skeptical - he didn't like the ear clip electrodes.  We used 10 uAmp which is very low.  Will try again today.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

First two weeks without the medication

We are doing fine at home without the medication - the boy is happy and bouncy again. The school has been closed since we quit the medication (strike) so I don't have anybody to back up my feelings. It will be interesting to hear if the teachers notice a difference.

His stomach pains have gone away. He is eating breakfast again.

Because of the anxiety he was going through I let him sleep on the sofa in my bedroom this past week. He loved that and seemed to fall asleep immediately. Last night he slept in his own room again and he didn't seem anxious at all.

We are out of routine because of the strike so there's been plenty late nights with visitors and sleep overs so it's difficult to pinpoint definite changes or improvements.

Last weekend we went fishing and swimming. Contrarian put on a pair of short for the first time in 2 years and he even swam in the water. It took an hour of gently speaking to him and helping him along. He thought he couldn't swim any more, he thought that the other children would laugh at him etc etc

He sooo wanted to swim but just couldn't get in the water with the other kids. I discovered that he has a fear of being teased about his weight. He is chubby and a little on the overweight side and some kids have commented on this.

Once in the water we couldn't get him out - I had to bribe him with ice cream and all sort of treats!

Hubby brought back an Elextroma Medic machine from South Africa. It is to help with Contrarian's sleeping problems and anxiety. I have no idea how I am going to convince Contrarian to try electrotreatments but I thought maybe if I try it on myself first and let him see then curiosity will take over.

I have also decided to investigate homeopathic options. He might have a vitamin or mineral deficiency of some sorts that we don't know about.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Time to stop the medication

It's been a difficult week. Contrairan is weepy and difficult to communicate with. Every attempt ends with him sobbing.

A lot is happening at the moment. Cycling test, national day parade  a new assistant teacher at school, we are packing because we are moving house next month and he will be flying to South Africa to visit his real dad for the summer holidays (the first time flying without me).

My contrarian seems overwhelmed by fear, the world is out to get him.

So I let him unpack all the boxes that I packed. We have agreed to stop the medication for a couple of weeks so that he can avoid the stomach ache. And tonight he can sleep on the sofa in in our bedroom.

Today we had taco's for the second day in a row - his favourite and then we went for a cycle.

For a boy who didn't want to cycle at all - he did pretty well.

I'm concerned about the side effects of the medication. No sleep and constant stomach ache can not be good for a 10 year old child. Have decided to go back to natural alternatives.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Finally finished

We were called in for an appointment with BUP (child psychiatric unit) last week. The doctors have decided to finalize with an ADHD and Aspergers diagnosis.

The medicine has had no effect on Contrarian's social skills.

Contrarian is doing very well at school although he is not that attached to anybody. He goes through phases were he sometimes goes home with friends every day of the week and then suddenly doesn't want to for a long time.

He likes friends as long as they want to do an activity that he wants to do. The moment they suggest something else - in particular a physical activity then Contrarian no longer wants to hang around.

We have bought him a fish tank. He is very interested in fish at the moment.

It's only when we enter new spaces with new people that I realize how different my son is. He does not acknowledge other people unless I instruct him to.

The boy is doing good. We have small ups and downs but we have come so far.

Still struggling with the sensory issues. He pulls his T-shirts to shreads as he tries to make them 'bigger'. Any bigger and they will look like a dress on him.

Still can not get him to wear anything else but track suites. He has recently learned to tie his own shoe laces.

Very proud moment for us both.