Tuesday, 27 September 2011

When ADHD works....

There's been meetings - plenty of meetings but all positive!

Contrarian has had a wonderful start to school even with a new school building, new teacher, new assistant and new special education teacher.

In fact the special education teacher has had to 'scrap' her 'special program' for the boy. He doesn't want to be taken out of the class room and his teacher feels that there is no need for him to have a 'special program' - for now. He is concentrating and completing his work.

At home the home work is going well.

He still does not like change to his routine. I put a new bookshelf in his room to make it look nicer - the result was tears and he wouldn't sleep in his room for 3 nights.

We spoke about it and he said that the 'new things' disturb him so much that he can't sleep.

There was a school sleepover trip last week. Last year it was a complete disaster. This year it was a great success. I was on the committee for planning the trip and so I slept over with the kids. It gave me a real opportunity to observe.

It was a wonderful feeling watching him with the other kids - he is now 'one of them' irrespective of his eccentricities.

Parents at school have started greeting me. I'm not sure if it is because they have realised that we are not a dysfunctional family or if it is because of my tenacity. Of course there is one dad who does not greet me but I truly think the man needs a shrink more than all the ADHD kids in the school put together.

We also had a parent meeting last week. The parent association brought up the issue of gossip and the negative effect it had on a particular case (no names mentioned). They recommended that in future it would be better for parents to rather phone the school and ask questions if they felt that a child was behaving differently instead of listening to gossip. It was pointed out that some families have challenges to deal with and need support not gossip and hostility.

Right now I am looking at the world from the top of Kilimanjaro. I am so excited for my son's future I can barely breathe. No doubt we will stumble as we continue our journey but for now - we can take a breather.

Still taking Medikinet 10 mg pr day. Sleeping problems are getting better. Change of routine - reading time from 8pm til 8.45. Warm bath after 8.45 - seems to have a calming effect. Boy is asleep by 10 pm.

Stomach ache continues. Have tried cutting out milk but no effect. Currently waking him up 6.45am to allow for early breakfast and rest after breakfast.

Friday, 2 September 2011

New school year

Contrarian and his brother spent 6 weeks in South Africa visiting their real dad and his family. They had a great time. Not always easy and big brother assures me that contrarian behaved more like 'a retard' than usual but I'll put that down to sibling rivalry.

There where a few 'incidents' - one involving contrarian smacking another girl in the face. It was awkward for a while but fortunately some of the adults there were aware of contrarian's intolerance for strangers.

When my ex phoned to voice his distress about the incident I couldn't help but think:"Finally you know what it's like to walk in my shoes'. Instead I said :"I'm sure that if you explain the situation to your friend's they will be understanding - they are after all your friends".

I felt determined that for 6 weeks their real dad should handle anything and everything that came his way. Apparently there were some very chaotic moments but all in all I felt that the boy bonded with his dad and that they had a good time.

The medicine went walk about somewhere in the Drakensberg - 3 weeks into the holiday. We have started the medicine again (one tablet pr day) and things are working out great. I'm still not entirely convinced the medication is the cause of all the positive things in our life. I believe there is a lot to be said for a child's sense of security and acceptance not to mention human connection. Something which we have received a lot of lately.

Contrarian is happy to be home with his friends and it is showing. He has had a wonderful start to the school year.

This week I have spoken to the school inspector, the new teacher and the special education teacher. They assure me that everything is going very well and they have no concerns. The boy himself is very happy.

We received a letter from the school. contrarian has been approved for 228 hours of special education (social education) and 760 hours for a personal assistant - either in a group or alone.

The social education started this week with a trip to the forest to build a lavvo (social dynamics group work). Contrarian refused to go with as he wanted to stay in the classroom with the rest of the class.

The teacher wasn't fazed by it at all as contrarian did the classroom work with no problem. But the special education teacher phoned and asked me to talk to contrarian about going with to build the lavvo.

We have asked contrarian several times if he feels a difference on the tablets but his response is always "No, just stomach ache!".

I have a meeting with BUP (children's psychiatric department) on Tuesday. They want to hear how things are going with contrarian.

Right now - life is everything we have ever wished for!

Diagnosis ADHD

24th June 2011:

We received a rapport from PPT. Contrarian's diagnosis is ADHD with some traits of Aspergers.

The 3 weeks on medication have shown a marked difference in his ability to focus at school. At home he is much the same. Maybe not as fidgety.

I am critical to the medication and feel a sense of concern.